What Are You
Going To Be
I consider myself neither Calvinist nor Arminian but rather a mix of the two. I don’t mean to sound uncommitted or indecisive when I say that.
It’s just difficult for me to think any person could really side completely with either.
And the two ideas vary a lot.
I doubt any person in either camp today is exactly what the forebears of either belief were in the past. Which, of course, means that if you say you are a Calvinist now, you will be differing with Calvinists of yesteryear.
As things move forward, and we think more deeply about our beliefs, perspective changes.
Don’t overreact. I didn’t say belief changes. I said perspective changes. If it doesn’t, you’re standing still.
It’s a fact. Today’s Calvinist is different.
The same could be said of Arminians but does anyone ever talk about Arminianism. Other than Calvinists.
Of the two ideas, the one most talked about, studied, explained and argued over is Calvinism. Everyone joins in that conversation. Arminianism, however, gets most of it’s attention from Calvinists.
So, I decided to put together a comparison of the two. Don’t get upset though. No insult is intended. The following list of comparisons is not exhaustive and is written in the spirit of fun and humor.
- Calvinists are pleased to be called Calvinists. Arminians aren’t really Arminians.
- Calvinists who preach Calvinism bear little fruit. Arminians who preach Arminianism bear even less.
- Calvinists are clever. Arminians don’t have to be.
- Children of Calvinists are always elected and usually very cardboard-cutout-ish. Children of Arminians are like a box of chocolates.
- Calvinists love the people who love their ideas. Arminians love everyone generally and no one in particular.
- Calvinists must explain why they are Calvinists. Arminians don’t really understand the question.
- Calvinists don’t know how they got saved. Arminians aren’t sure they are.
- Calvinists fellowship with other Calvinists, mostly. Arminians will talk to anyone at the pub.
- Calvinists are elitists. Arminians are universalists.
- Calvinists believe God controls everything. Arminians believe God controls everything but us.
- Calvinists are given genuine faith. Arminians are easy.
- Calvinists are completely saved but never perfect. Arminians are never saved until they are perfect.
- Calvinists love Jesus the Judge. Arminians love Jesus the Savior.
- Calvinists believe every Christian is qualified to counsel. Arminians believe only Christian counselors understand the issues.
- Calvinists have the truth. Arminians are still looking.
- Calvinists try to make the world like them. Arminians try to make the world more attractive.
- Calvinism refutes Arminianism. Arminians aren’t listening.
- Calvinists feed off Arminian pushback. Arminians aren’t pushing.
- Calvinists don’t worry about the lost. Arminians are maniacal.
- Calvinists think anyone not a Calvinist is Arminian. Arminians don’t call people names.
It’s hyperbole. Don’t take this seriously. If you’re of a Calvinist, smile. If you’re Arminian, enjoy the pictures.
I got the idea for this post from The Contemporary Calvinist authored by Lee Shelton. Although a dedicated Calvinist, Lee seems to use humor now and then to blunt the aggro. I say seems not because he specifically stated that but because that was my first impression. Write on Lee!
Hey Rick. Thanks for sharing. In response, I would say Calvinism is much more popular at the moment than Calvinism but both ideologies have critical gaps. Taking an absolutist approach to either leaves you vulnerable to logical fallacies.
Case in point. Some people really don’t care about biblical truth, no not at all but they pretend to. The let’s just all get along idea doesn’t really work does it? In Ephesians ch. 1 Paul the Apostle didn’t say well Judaisers carry on, carry on there should be unity among us, did he? No, he condemned them to eternal destruction for adding to the pure gospel of grace. Salvation is ALL of grace, ALL based on Christ’s holy, perfect and ALL sufficient sacrifice for sins forever. It is based solely on His sinless performance. I am still hearing people say I hope I was good enough. So many are not “really” trusting in Christ but in themselves, in their performance and that should give pause. But Lord we prophesied in your name and did many miracles in your name. But He tells them plainly I never knew you! So who is teaching false doctrine? In general those who teach an Arminian gospel do. Reformed theology teaches that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone and that is biblical truth.