“This Man Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About”
It’s been a long and frenetic week for the candidates in this year’s general election. It’s fun for the public but not so much for those running the race. Let’s start with a few tax reveal takeaways.
Trump’s In The Dumps Financially
The New York Times finally opened the door to the Trump financial closet. What they found wasn’t bankruptcy but it could get there soon enough.
What we learn from the revelations is that even though Trump’s lifestyle keeps everyone watching, like reality TV, it’s more fantasy than real.
He flies around in a private jet emblazoned with his name on the side, splashes at all the big dinner events, plays golf at his many personally owned courses, and refuses to take his Presidential stipend but his tank is running on empty. He’s broke and with several hundred million in debt coming due soon and only an estimated $873,000 in stocks and bonds left to sell, it’s about to get worse according to reports by the New York Times.
It’s no wonder he wanted to be President and turn the oval into a spotlight for his family. It provides millions in free advertising for their related businesses. It’s amazing that he does all of this in plain sight and no one sees it as a problem.
With personal loans valued at more than $400 million coming due in the next few years and apparently no ability to pay, his lenders will be in the difficult position of deciding whether or not to foreclose on a sitting President should he win.
Maybe instead of voting for him, you should send a personal donation.
$70,000 In Hair Styling Costs
One of the endearing things about Trump is his hair. How many times has that crown been the focus of comedic fun?
The public loves it. I always thought he knew this and used it to his favor but, whether he likes being poked at or not, it’s become a trend among world leaders. Just have a look at Boris Johnson.
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The difference is Boris paid approximately $5000.00 for haircuts (at the very most) during the fifteen years the Apprentice aired while the Don paid $70,000.00. Both get a lot of attention for their hair and their antics. Boris paid a lot less for it.
Elect The Hairdresser
Maybe we should nominate the hairdresser for President. Anyone who can negotiate such high payments for looks that are more weird than stylish could do a good job as President.
Debate: Biden 1 – Trump 0
Generally, people were disappointed with the debate, and they should be, but there are a few worthy observations.
While Trump expectedly interrupted, interfered, and prevaricated much better than Biden, Biden was the one who got in all the insults.
- Worst President ever
- Clown
- Racist
- Putin’s Puppy
- Unpresidential
In spite of the barbs from both sides, what stood out for me most was the fact that Biden, in the midst of heavy gunfire, found a couple of moments to look straight into the camera and speak to the American people steadily and with resolve. It was rare and limited but he told what he would do on key issues once he becomes President.
Others apparently agree. Biden smashed his single-hour fundraising record following the debate.
Talk soon. Check your voter registration here. See you at the polls.
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