Education Is Important
Voting Is Important
Right Living Is Important
But Sharing The Gospel
Is First In The Order Of Magnitude
Personal Evangelism is almost a lost art. We rarely discuss it and because of that, we engage it even less.
The broad topic of Evangelism is mentioned often but it covers so many subtopics, from salvation to ordination and everything in between, that it’s hard to clarify the focus. Someone says the word Evangelism and it’s anyone’s guess as to what they mean.
Personal Evangelism, which doesn’t get so much attention, is very different. It’s personal, meaning it’s relational. It involves at least two people: the Christian who shares the Gospel and the unbeliever they share it with.
It’s one person, a Christian, sharing the Gospel with at least one other person, an unbeliever, usually face-to-face, and the intent is always the same, the salvation of a soul.
That’s how it is usually described but my experience defies that description. I’ll explain shortly.
Jesus Wants To Save Souls
When we finally get around to discussing Personal Evangelism, we are so focused on what to say, how to say it, and how to deal with objections – all important stuff – that a significant truth is often ignored or minimized.
The evangelist is never alone. He or she is accompanied by Jesus. He is the most important Person in the formula and He actively participates because He really wants to save souls.
Jesus is interested and involved and His words prove this.
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Jesus taught that there was more rejoicing in heaven over one soul that repents than over ninety-nine souls who need no repentance (Luke 15:7). If that is true, isn’t it reasonable to believe Jesus must also get excited when we make an effort to share the Gospel?
The truth is Jesus doesn’t just save souls He actively looks for opportunities and even manipulates situations to get people into position and ready to hear the Gospel. The Bible says this, literally.
The kindness of God leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4).
Statements like this prove the brilliance of the Bible. Though short, it opens the door to many thoughts and questions. How does God lead people to repentance? What does it look like? Shouldn’t we be able to recognize it when it happens?
Aside from all those interesting questions, there is an important observation to be made. Jesus doesn’t wait till you start to witness before He pays attention. [Read more…] about How Far Will Jesus Go To Save A Soul