Jesus Loves Everyone Equally
Even When They Don’t Know It
To be clear Jesus is more than capable of saving any and every soul. He died for everyone. Not just the elect or the specially chosen or those that actually believe.
He died for every single soul.
And that isn’t just an opinion. The Bible states this clearly in spite of anything you’ve heard to the contrary.
He (Jesus) is the propitiation (payment for) our sins (believers sins) and not for our sins only but also for the sins of the whole world. (1 John 2:2)
The meaning is clear. Jesus didn’t die for believers only but for the whole world.
There is a figure of speech used here that further emphasizes this truth. The figure is called Epanorthosis in Greek and it means “Correction.” In this case, it corrects the original limitation of He died for believers’ sins by extending the meaning to everyone, even nonbelievers.
Instead of Jesus dying for believers only, the meaning is extended to He died for the whole world or every person. The word “World” is also a figure. It refers to the physical world and to everyone in it.
I don’t want to over labor the point but John 3:16 also says God loved not just those who believe but the whole world.
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The question, though, is who are the two kinds of people that Jesus can really help? The answer is simple. The best among us and the worst among us. [Read more…] about 2 Categories of People Jesus Can Really Help