Calvinism’s Many Fallacies
Part 1 Of 3
Part 2 – Biblical Election Has Many Applications
Part 3 – Biblical Predestination Not Focused On Individuals Or Minuia
When any person says they don’t believe in Calvinism, the first question they’re confronted with is:
What about Election and Predestination? Both are in the Bible.
It’s true. Election and Predestination are both mentioned in the Bible. What is not in the Bible is Calvinism.
It is also true that while Predestination is a biblical concept, Election does not constitute a subdivision of soteriology. It’s a word. It’s used many times in the Bible to refer to people who’ve been saved but it also refers to some who haven’t been saved and it never represents unqualified selections. I’ll explain more in the next post and as we go along but for now, the word alone carries no special meaning.
The reason people ask about Predestination and Election is they’ve been led to believe that these ideas are somehow connected to Calvinism. Not so! The terms Calvinism and Election are not synonyms and cannot be used interchangeably, although that is the assumption at the ground level.
Calvinism is nothing more than an interpretation imposed on the biblical text. The belief that these separate ideas are intertwined is where the conversation needs to begin. We need to disentangle the mess and one way to start is to disclose the endless number of fallacies implied by Calvinistic thinking.
Calvinism (including all the concepts reflected in the acronym TULIP) is a manmade system that is not biblical, was never biblically based, and those who promote it in this life will be embarrassed for it in the next. They’ll definitely have a lot to apologize for.
Calvinism’s illogical ideas turn grace into cruelty, diminish the potential effect of the Cross, insult the intelligence of humans created in the image of God, and mask one of the most important truths of the New Testament.
Jesus died for everyone, every person, every individual. He left no one out. He loves the entire world and wants all people to come to repentance.
First Steps
I’m taking a good old-fashioned farmer’s approach in this discussion.
To replace Calvinistic confusion with clarity, like the farmer, you must first clear the ground. Planting the good seeds of truth in uncultivated soil is wasteful. We need to break up the ground and remove the foreign matter first.
The initial set of talking points must focus NOT on Calvinism but on the illogical implications of Calvinism. You can’t begin to discuss Election and Predestination with a clear head till you reveal and dispel the fallacies of Calvinistic thinking.
There are many questions to ask and answer before you settle into the privileged armchair of Calvinism.
- What is being said?
- What are the implications?
- How does it apply?
- Where does it take us?
To be clear, this is not a study of weeds. I’m not going to discuss the ideas promoted by Calvinists any more than necessary. I’ll start by giving the general definition of Calvinism so we have a base to work from but that’s it.
The point of this series of posts is to look at two things: the implications of Calvinistic teachings and what Election and Predestination actually mean.
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I am fully aware that that is a tall order but it isn’t near as ambitious as trying to build a generally accepted version of Calvinism. Many have already tried to do that and failed.
This and the two following posts are long but even with the length, it’s just a beginning. Hopefully, it will encourage the curious, provoke the naysayers, but most of all, stimulate additional thought. [Read more…] about Calvinism Has No Connection To Election Or Predestination