Would A Visible Jesus
Be Easier To Believe?
I know some of the places Jesus traveled and the roads He walked on but I’ve never walked those roads with Him.
I know He traveled by foot and the roads were dusty, but I’ve never observed Him washing the feet of others.
I know Jesus ate fish, honeycomb, figs, olives, bread and lamb, among other things, but I’ve never shared a meal with Him. I’ve never observed Him while He ate.
I know what Jesus taught and what He said in prayer but I’ve never heard the sound of His voice.
I know He had face to face conversations with individuals but I’ve never had the benefit of reading the approval, the concern or the frustration in His eyes.
I have no visuals of Jesus. I don’t know the shape of His beard or the length of His hair. I can only guess at how tall He was or how much He might have weighed.
I’m guessing He wasn’t overweight but I have no visual to prove that.
A limited number have claimed to have seen and conversed with Jesus on earth following His ascension. Some claim His healing powers are just as active today as they ever were.
I know it may seem negative to say it but I’m skeptical about those claims. Before you criticize me too sharply I would qualify my skepticism by saying I’m not cynical.
I have no doubt that Jesus could do all the things I’ve mentioned – walk with us, talk with us, eat with us – and I don’t blame people for wanting that to happen.
I just can’t figure out why He would do these things so sparingly now, when He was so generous with His presence or powers in the first century.
I also think His physical appearance may not be as much of a boon for Gospel as many think.
People often exclaim:
It would be easier to believe if Jesus would just show Himself to us! If He walked with us and talked with us, belief would be automatic! How could we deny Him in the face of His physical presence?
But there are several reasons I’m skeptical about that too. [Read more…] about 4 Reasons Seeing Jesus Won’t Produce Faith