Genesis Was Human History
Before It Became Inspired Text
For years Bible believers have taught that the Bible is an inspired book, and for good reason. The Bible says exactly that.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. (1 Timothy 3:16)
But the word inspiration needs clarification. The meaning is very different to what most people think.
It translates the Greek word theopnuestos which is a compound word that literally means God-spirited but recent translations have opted for God-breathed because it is closer to how we express words.
The NIV reads:
All Scripture is God breathed.
And many translations follow suit. The clarification is helpful.
Nice, neat, straightforward, and clear.
What I’ve said so far is generally understood and agreed to. There’s very little debate.
How Did Inspiration Work
However, many questions about how inspiration worked are not explicitly detailed in the Bible and the topic gets very little attention.
- We know the Bible is special revelation – check.
- We know the revelation was ultimately from God – check.
- We know that God used humans from all strata of society to record the revelation – check.
What we don’t know is exactly how the mechanics of inspiration worked.
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We accept that the end result of inspiration was words – specific words – on paper.
We accept that human opinions, thoughts, feelings, and preferences have no bearing on the meaning of those words but the answers as to how these words moved from God to/thru humans and eventually onto paper are sound bites at most, and when discussions expand they run in circles and are full of vagaries.
It reads more like a he-said, she-said, they-said back-and-forth full of accusations, disputes, and triple-barrelled words than a fair, even-handed discussion.
Those big words, none of which are in the Bible, are thrown in to make unsubstantiated arguments seem sophisticated and prevent further discussion.
Superintend is a good example. The word is used to explain God’s part in the inspiration process but it is found nowhere in the Bible in relation to inspiration.
It’s a good word but it is neither the beginning nor the end of the story. [Read more…] about How Did Inspiration Work