Auto-Think Will Never Keep You Safe
Everyone thinks.
I do. You do. Bright people do and even the less bright do.
No groups or individuals hold exclusive rights to thinking.
We all entertain ideas, consider possibilities, and we do this constantly.
The only people who don’t process thoughts are either comatose or dead.
But those observations raise many questions. If we’re all thinking, why don’t we all come to the same conclusion? Why don’t we all arrive at the correct answer? Why do we readily, with eyes wide open make bad decisions?
The Brain Is A Tool
Simply put, the brain is a tool. A very important tool. We couldn’t live without it and it does many things automatically. The brain controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and more without our involvement even when we sleep.
The brain also has a manual setting. We can engage it deliberately to make it work for us. Like items in a toolbox, we can pick the brain up and apply it to specific problems as they arise.
When we do that it’s called thinking.
The problem is, though universal and necessary, thinking doesn’t always lead to solutions.
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We employ the brain to help us solve problems but nothing’s guaranteed. Use your brain the wrong way or incorrectly or haphazardly and you’re likely to get into trouble.
Can you imagine using a drill as a hammer or a shovel as a screwdriver? We don’t typically use rakes to paint walls?
By the same token, a brain should never be left on autopilot and should never be used as a sponge. [Read more…] about 6 Truths About Thinking, 3 Ways To Think