Christians May Not Always Agree
But Scripture Doesn’t Contradict Scripture
In my last post, I stressed the fact that we are all sinners and sinners sin. It’s what we do.
I’m not saying it’s beneficial to sin or suggesting we should enjoy it. I’m not saying you should want to sin or prefer to sin.
I’m saying we all have a sinful nature and that makes us sinners. Even before you commit your first act of sin you are a sinner.
According to James, who made the point rather bluntly, even temptation is an indication we are sinners.
Each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire. (James 1:14)
And I can hear you asking “What about Eve?” She was tempted. Was she also a sinner before she ate the forbidden fruit?
It’s a good question. Eve didn’t start with a sinful nature. She was innocent, untainted but she was still tempted. Why is temptation proof we have a sinful nature but not for her? Another good question.
Don’t get too confuzzled by that. Jesus was also tempted but He didn’t have a sinful nature. There’s a way to understand the difference.
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Her temptation came from outside influence. The same is true for Jesus. Fortunately, Jesus not only didn’t give in, He couldn’t. He’s eternally perfect.
Sin Can Be Formative
Eve wasn’t perfect. Her character, like all humans, was in the developing process. We all start at zero character – neither good nor bad.
It’s a fact, though, that mistakes and sin are a part of the shaping process. Aside from the fact that Eve was corrupted the moment she caved, and we’ve all inherited the corruption, a more important reality is she gained a great deal of wisdom and insight from the experience.
Once bitten, twice shy. Sins don’t define you. Failure and mistakes don’t define you. How you respond to these things does.
Honesty about your sin nature is also important. Now, temptation starts on the inside and works its way out. We are therefore tainted before we commit the first sinful deed which is kind of what James was saying.
Jesus made the same point: the mouth speaks what the heart is full of (Luke 6:45).
What that means is there will never be a time this side of heaven when Christians, though saved from the penalty of sin, will be entirely free of sin. Your sin nature will dog you all your days.
We shouldn’t take delight in that but we shouldn’t hide from it either. [Read more…] about 12 Proofs Your Sin Nature Won’t Be Eradicated