God’s Knowing Each Human
In Specific Detail
Doesn’t Give Us Personhood
Any More Than It Gives Personhood
To A Grain Of Sand
To be clear, in this article, I’m not asking if abortion is wrong. The only question here is about murder: “Is abortion murder?” That’s important because something can be very wrong and still not be murder.
There are several categories of wrong. There’s perceived vs actual wrong and minor vs major wrong, major being anything that is absolutely wrong. Murder falls in the absolutely wrong category but if something – for example abortion – isn’t absolutely wrong, how wrong is it?
You may be one of those who consider abortion absolutely wrong and that’s your right. Others may believe it is wrong but not as wrong as murder. Others may believe it is only mildly wrong, if wrong at all. Those shifts in thinking are important nuances but murder is the focus of this article.
I’m arguing that abortion isn’t murder. Where you land in the discussion is a matter of personal consideration, another factor we don’t talk about much but we should. How you “feel” about an issue is important to you but others may feel differently.
There is no scientific proof that abortion is murder and that alone should give us pause. The primary motivation behind the recent court activity and public skirmishes around this topic is belief. People “Believe” it’s wrong and they are acting on that belief.
Unfortunately, Belief isn’t known for its strong connection to facts or logic.
Hence, this post. [Read more…] about 11 Reasons Abortion Isn’t Murder