There Are As Many Ways To Show Gratitude
As There Are Reasons
To Be Grateful
Everyone should be thankful. The Bible not only teaches this it also plainly commands us to be thankful.
Give thanks in all circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
And that verse finishes by saying “for this is the WILL OF GOD for you in Christ Jesus.”
If that were the only verse mentioning gratitude you might have an excuse for whinging but there are many additional verses that make the same point.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, WITH THANKSGIVING, let your requests be known to God. (Philippians 4:6)
That’s just a sample. There’s plenty more where that came from.
More importantly, what we learn from the Thessalonian command is that gratitude is more a mental exercise than an emotional response.
Instead of being momentarily grateful for some unexpected benefit on the odd occasion, it’s to be a constant state of mind, even when there is nothing happening in the moment that tickles our Thank You button.
That means it is the byproduct of an intentional mental exercise more than a passing response to things as they happen.
In fact, if gratitude is exercised properly you’ll find yourself expressing appreciation for many things and to a great variety of people often, not just one day a year.
Don’t misunderstand. My one-day-a-year comment is not intended to diminish the significance of this important day. The celebration offers a unique opportunity to really give muscle to the idea of giving thanks.
It’s a great way to mark the end of one year and the beginning of the next but there is no end to things for which we can be thankful and the ways in which gratitude can be expressed. It’s an everyday attitude and an all-year-long experience.
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We all know these things intuitively to be true but I was pleasantly reminded of that fact when I received the following email from my son, Timothy. [Read more…] about Thanksgiving: One Of Many Ways To Say Thanks