Is The Gag Order
On Reports Of Heaven Absolute
There are several recently published books that focus on the reality of heaven. The books are based on actual visits by people who temporarily died and report the sights, sounds and feelings they experienced while there.
Though this topic catches the interest of many people it evokes very diverse responses.
Some people believe there is no heaven and view the books as nothing more than hopeful thinking. A few of these types, however, are open minded enough to read the books.
There are many who believe heaven is a reality but they don’t all agree on how to view these reports.
- Some read the books with a sense of hope, asking no questions at all.
- Some approach the issue skeptically, not allowing the possibility of a temporary visit to heaven or at least not allowing any reports about it afterward.
It is interesting that this second group are the ones who are the least thoughtful. They dismiss the reports out of hand “claiming” the Bible does not allow such things, assuming the devil is behind it all, attempting to deceive the faithful.
- Others are fair enough to ask important questions and search the Scriptures to see if the reports match what the Bible actually says.
One book that has become popular is Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo. I’ve listed a few questions to help stimulate questions about his son’s (Colton) visit to heaven, but since then more has been added.
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The book became so popular the author decided to produce a DVD-Based Conversation Kit for families or small groups. It includes five sessions lasting 10 to 18 minutes each featuring Colton and his parents, Todd and Sonja, answering questions about heaven and their experiences.
To be honest, I think the videos are a bit preachy and often stray off topic. The questions asked aren’t always answered well but it does give you a glimpse of the people behind the story.
And the story is quite interesting.
Just under 4 years old when he visited heaven, Colton was quite a bit younger than most who report the same kind of experience. His book makes a great read and his experience, coupled with the Bible, makes a great study source and that is why I put a few discussion questions together specifically for this book. The questions are intended to explore:
- Accusations undermining the validity of the experience.
- Misunderstandings about Bible teaching on the subject.
- Confusion around the differences between Colton’s experience and that of others.
Hopefully you will find the questions thought provoking regardless which category you fit in. And the DVD Kit will make the study personal. It brings the Burpos into your study group. [Read more…] about 10 “Heaven Is For Real” Discussion Questions